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About Us

Arnold O. Beckman High School is ranked 193 in STEM schools throughout the country and is a California Distinguished School. This is the only school participating in the CubeSat program from the Tustin Unified School District. Beckman's diverse student body expresses their school motto "Tru Blu," by asserting their individuality and revealing their school spirit. 

What is Avionics?

In short, avionics is the "Brain" of an aircraft. The avionics in an aircraft can vary to support all types of electronic software or devices implemented throughout the body of a vessel. 

Beckman's Role in the Program

The students at Beckman High School produce the circuits, flight boards, GPS, and sun sensors for the Cubesat. Our team is split into numerous groups, which consist of software, hardware, documenting, and social media. Our software and hardware team design the "meat" of the Cubesat, which includes the programming and testing of numerous programs and hardware. Our documenting team keeps our team informed about what we do, and they record whatever occurs, so we can go back and correct our errors if needed. Additionally, the social media team informs the public about the entire Cubesat program.

CubeSat's Mission Statement

Irvine CubeSat STEM Program (ICSP) is a project-based learning collaboration between K-12 education institutions, industry partners, non-profit organizations, and parent volunteers whose primary focus is to teach, train, and inspire the next generation of STEM professionals, while also creating opportunities for underrepresented groups in STEM-related fields.  ICSP brings together over 100 students from six public high schools in the City of Irvine, California, whose main objective is to assemble, program, test, and launch a CubeSat into low Earth orbit (LEO) to perform a number of scientific experiments and explore new space technologies.

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